Wednesday, June 24, 2020

hawthorne, slacker

"The Hawthornes owed the very roof over their head to Emerson and their preplanted garden to Henry David Thoreau. They were not ideal tenants. They acted more like Transcendental hippies. They were late with their rent and scratched several windows of the house with memorable but defacing inscriptions like "Man's accidents are God's purposes." Nonetheless the local Transcendentalist coterie welcomed the Hawthornes back again in the 1850s to the house that proved Nathaniel's final residence, "the Wayside."

-From The American Transcendentalists, Essential Writings

Saturday, June 20, 2020

grimm creatures

Grimm Teachaz

perloff on the european avantgarde

the avant-garde of 1967 repeats the deeds and gestures of those of 1917


two teasers

david i hope you don't mind

golden apples

bert myers poem


The world’s largest ash-tray, 
the latest in concrete, 
capital of the absurd; 
one huge studio 
where people drive 
from set to set and everyone’s 
from a different planet. 

For miles, the palm trees, 
exotic janitors, 
sweep out the sky at dusk. 
The gray air molds. 
Geraniums heat the alleys. 
Jasmine and gasoline 
undress the night. 

This is the desert 
that lost its mind, 
the place that boredom built. 
Freeways, condominiums, malls, 
where cartons of trash and diamonds 
and ideologies 
are opened, used, dumped near the sea.

Monday, June 15, 2020

a ed of it's time

welcome to hell

pete winslow foreward and poem

"I see him in my future. He has selected my worst poems, from the years when I was most harried and short of poetic breath, and is using them as a pretext for some bland aesthetic doctrine. Well that's all right...let him...I'm more careful now...I leave time bombs around disguised as poems - even the connoisseur of duds gets his eyes opened once in a while."   
                           - Pete Winslow, forward to "A Daisy In The Memory Of A Shark"

Poem Written in Glyphs

(vision of paradise)   (total despair)
(determined preparation for death)   (god in a sedan chair)
(lightning flash)   (earthquake on java)   (thor)
(five minutes of radio noises)
(hell)   (uncle tom's cabin)
(completion party for stonehenge)   (nursery rhymes)
(rivoli burlesque seattle 1949 our regular seats)
(philip describing alchemy)   (egyptian ship of the dead)
(vestigial tail)
(the bubbling of the stomach magnified and arranged)   (zen)
(spiritual apocalypse)   (alarm clock)