Tuesday, February 8, 2022

in god we rust

US State Quarter Errors:

  • 1999 Delaware Spitting Horse Error: Die cracking at the Philadelphia mint led to some quarters with extra metal around the horse's mouth. This extra metal looks as if the horse is spitting. 

  • 2004 Wisconsin Corn Leaves Error: extra cornstalk leaf – either pointing down ("Low Leaf") or pointing up ("High Leaf"). 
  • Statehood Quarter Error Coins - Littleton Coin Company

  • 2005 Minnesota Extra Tree Error: an "extra" treetop next to the fourth evergreen to the right of the state outline

  • 2005 Kansas "In God We Rust" and Humpback Bison errors: Missing 'T', Kanas error reads "in god we rust"

  • 2006 Nevada Pooping Horse Error:

  • 2008 Arizona Extra Cactus Leaf Error: Die breaks caused extra leaves on the Arizona Reverse. 

         2019 Lowell, Mass. 'Ghost in the belltower' Error:

         2019 San Antonio Snowy Roof Error


          2020 Samoa Extra Whiskers Error:

Selected comments about Error Quarters:

davidabila289@gmail.com on August 04, 2020:
I got anevada quarter in god we rust and looks lick a beak coming out of forehead and it looks like a w onwhole face is it worth any thing

Mary Neely on December 01, 2019:
I have a 2006D South Dakota Quartet with an error on the reverse. Roosevelt looks like he has fangs in his mouth. Great find for a collector. Willing to sell.

J P on January 08, 2020:
I have a Delaware State Quarter which has the reverse 90 Degrees ccw. When you flip the coin, the horse is standing on its nose. 
Mariefrance Weiler on January 24, 2020:
I have a u.s. state quarter, unclad with california on one side and new jersey on the other. Is it worth anything?