Monday, October 31, 2022

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

ken wainio - getting rid of the ego

It’s like getting married in the rain. A coach will pull up
at the edge of the dam when the flood starts and the bride
throws her flowers at the drowned. If you don’t believe this,
go to a monastery for ten years and study the light through a
keyhole. Without moving your eye from the door cut out a
piece of sky and wait for somebody to come with a key.

The flood is well up by this time. The dead are getting
married in rowboats and copulating on pieces of wreckage. If
you still don’t believe it, take out your keyhole and study the
drowned. They are discussing the possibilities of islands and
shaping tombstones into anchors. Their children hold their
breath underwater and pray to the God of Rain. He is
holding himself in a cloud making everybody worship the
flood. He is quite fond of suffering and has never understood
sociology. But the dead come with their pogo sticks and stare
up at the seat of his pants.

If you still don’t get this, go sit down in the nearest bar
and study the runway of faces. If anyone comes up to you and
demands your marriage certificate, take out your keyhole and
blast them with a peak of stars. If they are still sitting there
waiting for you to kill your ego, tell them the world is flat and
has an edge like the table. Drop something transparent over
the side and tell them it was the argument of Columbus on
his way to the new world.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

in god we rust

US State Quarter Errors:

  • 1999 Delaware Spitting Horse Error: Die cracking at the Philadelphia mint led to some quarters with extra metal around the horse's mouth. This extra metal looks as if the horse is spitting. 

  • 2004 Wisconsin Corn Leaves Error: extra cornstalk leaf – either pointing down ("Low Leaf") or pointing up ("High Leaf"). 
  • Statehood Quarter Error Coins - Littleton Coin Company

  • 2005 Minnesota Extra Tree Error: an "extra" treetop next to the fourth evergreen to the right of the state outline

  • 2005 Kansas "In God We Rust" and Humpback Bison errors: Missing 'T', Kanas error reads "in god we rust"

  • 2006 Nevada Pooping Horse Error:

  • 2008 Arizona Extra Cactus Leaf Error: Die breaks caused extra leaves on the Arizona Reverse. 

         2019 Lowell, Mass. 'Ghost in the belltower' Error:

         2019 San Antonio Snowy Roof Error


          2020 Samoa Extra Whiskers Error:

Selected comments about Error Quarters: on August 04, 2020:
I got anevada quarter in god we rust and looks lick a beak coming out of forehead and it looks like a w onwhole face is it worth any thing

Mary Neely on December 01, 2019:
I have a 2006D South Dakota Quartet with an error on the reverse. Roosevelt looks like he has fangs in his mouth. Great find for a collector. Willing to sell.

J P on January 08, 2020:
I have a Delaware State Quarter which has the reverse 90 Degrees ccw. When you flip the coin, the horse is standing on its nose. 
Mariefrance Weiler on January 24, 2020:
I have a u.s. state quarter, unclad with california on one side and new jersey on the other. Is it worth anything?

Sunday, January 23, 2022

lost gamma gulch tapes (re-up)

hans f. wagner (blue janitors) & jon nielsen (general baby) late night guitar duo and other curiosities, recorded in and around gamma gulch 2015-16. for other desert radio - yucca valley, ca originally aired may 2020

                                utube link