Tuesday, November 30, 2021

endless crucifixion by nanos valaoritis

Endless Crucifixion
Agamenon-Marat crucified in their baths
Hollywood playboy crucified in his swimming pool
Proust crucified on his memory
The gambler crucified on probability
Rimbaud crucified in his leg
The alchemist crucified on his crucible
James dean crucified on his car
Icarus crucified on the sun
Marilyn Monroe crucified on her image
Che Guevara crucified on the revolution
The Saigon Buddhists crucified on a gasoline tank
Al Capone crucified on his income tax
Artaud crucified on the well of his mind
Heloise and Abelard crucified on each other
Dylan Thomas crucified in new york
Empedocles crucified on a volcano
Plato crucified on an idea
Lorca crucified in a bullet
Mayakovsky crucified on everyday life
Marxism crucified by Stalin
A tree crucified by its branches
Jesus crucified by the church
Gerard de Nerval crucified on a rope
Hypatia crucified on her intellect
Peregrino crucified on his funeral pyre
Socrates crucified on example
Satan crucified on his pride
Love crucified by impotence
Weakness crucified by fear
Man crucified by himself
Madame de Recamier crucified on her couch
De Sade crucified on his imagination
Nietzsche crucified on his genius
Kierkegaard crucified on his god
Kafka crucified on suspicion
Nobody crucified on nothing
Jacques Vache crucified on a joke
Jacques Rigaud crucified on his tie
Hemingway crucified on his idea of man
G.M. crucified on an image from his past
Hitler crucified on ice
Spartacus crucified on slavery
Mind crucified on a machine
A monkey crucified within man
Sex crucified by desire
Space crucified by time
Einstein crucified relativity
Saint Just crucified on no freedom for the enemies of freedom
Robespierre crucified on the absolute
Oscar Wilde crucified on sex
New York crucified by the subway
London crucified by boredom
Paris crucified by intelligence
Athens crucified on nothingness
Rome crucified by the past
Moscow crucified by Vladivostok
Turkey crucified by guilt
Heroism crucified by opportunity
Glory crucified by ridicule
Descartes crucified by reason
Raymond Lully crucified on superstition
Queerdom crucified in a latrine
Utopia crucified on something
Life crucified by meaning
Impulse crucified by society
Melody crucified sentiment
Ugliness crucified by beauty
Today crucified by tomorrow
Now crucified by what comes next
Moonlight crucified by sanity
Poetry crucified by me.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

man dresses in eagle costume?

The Harpy Eagle is the largest eagle in the Americas, with a wingspan up to 7' 4" wide .